OSTC Blog *
Standing Together: How the NUHW Kaiser Strike Impacts LGBTQ+ Mental Health
For LGBTQ+ individuals, who often seek affirming care for unique challenges like navigating identity, discrimination, and family rejection, these barriers are even more harmful. Imagine seeking help during a crisis, only to be told the next available appointment is weeks or months away. These delays can have life-threatening consequences. Let’s discuss what we can do.
Can Rage Ever Be Healthy?
Rage has a bad reputation. Can rage actually be healthy? Can it serve a purpose in our lives? Let’s unpack that from a mental health and LGBTQ+ perspective.
The “Normal” Amount of Pain is Not Less Pain, It’s No Pain
Our past experiences shape us. While they don't define us, they can leave a lasting impact on our health and relationships. ACEs are not our fault—we had no control over when or why they occurred. However, we can move beyond ACEs and take meaningful steps toward healing.
Can Therapy Help with Pain During Sex?
Sex is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, but what happens when it becomes painful? You’re not alone, and yes, therapy can help.
Growing Past Religious Trauma: Recognizing Long-Term Stealthy Signs
Religious trauma can leave deep and lasting scars, often lingering in subtle ways long after someone has left a harmful religious environment. Let’s explore what religious trauma is, how to recognize its long-term stealthy signs, and how to grow past it.
Understanding Intergenerational Trauma: A Guide from an LGBTQ+ Therapist
Let’s shed some light on what intergenerational trauma is, why it's essential to acknowledge, and how it can show up in our lives.
Healing From Being Rejected By Your Family
Being rejected by one's family, a fundamental support structure, can be an immensely painful and challenging experience, leaving lasting emotional scars.